Sr. Xavier Anneken 2017

Sr. Xavier Anneken 2017

Sister Xavier Anneken, 1923-2017

Born March 23, 1923 in Latonia, Kentucky
Entered St. Walburg Monastery December 27, 1946
Received habit, 1947
First Profession, June 29, 1948
Died March 23, 2017


        Sister Xavier Anneken, OSB was born to John H. Anneken and Clara Robish Anneken on March 26, 1923 in Latonia KY and given the name Mary Martha Helen at her baptism. To her friends she was always Marcy. She was the sixth of nine children, four boys and five girls—four of whom became Benedictine Sisters—Gemma, Clarita, Juanita and Xavier. She attended Holy Cross School for twelve years and attended Xavier Evening College for five years and worked as a bookkeeper before entering St. Walburg Monastery in 1946. She became a novice in 1947, receiving the name Sister Xavier. First profession followed in 1948, perpetual in 1951, silver jubilee in 1973, golden in 1998 and diamond in 2008.
Sister Xavier always had a head for numbers and business. She taught for one year and served for ten years in the business office of the monastery. She received a BS degree from Xavier University in 1971. Most of her ministry was spent in the business offices of hospitals in the mountain regions of Hazard and Irvine, KY and in Colorado. She served as secretary of the community for six years, and was a member of several committees and boards. After returning to live at the monastery in 1979 Sr. Xavier served as transportation director until her retirement in 2011.
Sr. Xavier’s years in the Kentucky mountains were dear to her heart. She often took camping and hiking trips with her nephews in the mountains. She had a treasure trove of stories about Eastern Kentucky. Sr. Xavier was an ardent, lifelong Cincinnati Reds fan.
Sr. Xavier was blessed with a close-knit and devoted family. Her mother had died in 1937. After her sisters entered St. Walburg Monastery much of her time was spent with her sister Rita, her brothers and their families. During Sr. Xavier’s residence in the infirmary her nephews and nieces were loyal visitors.
Sr. Xavier was preceded in death by her parents and all her siblings. She is survived by the Benedictine community, nieces and nephews and many friends from the mountains. Her death occurred peacefully on May 23, 2017. Vigil for Sr. Xavier was held the evening of May 25, 2017 with Mass of Christian Burial on May 26, 2017. She is interred in St. Walburg Monastery Cemetery.
Memorials may be made to St. Walburg Monastery, 2500 Amsterdam Rd, Villa Hills, KY 41017