Prayer And Liturgy

Prayer And Liturgy

Prayer is the center of Benedictine life.

Our public prayer together is the public prayer of the Church– Eucharist and the Liturgy of the Hours.

The Eucharist is the central act of Christian worship and the Christian life. In Eucharist we make our own Christ’s obedient offering of himself to God and celebrate our communion with the Body of Christ.

hand washing

In the Rule Benedict called Liturgy of the Hours the “Work of God” and directed that nothing be preferred to it. We gather together at regular times during the day to pray Morning Prayer, Noonday Prayer, Evening Prayer and Night Prayer. The Liturgy of the Hours consists of psalms, hymns, Old and New Testament canticles, readings from Scripture, intercessions and prayers. Through our celebration of Liturgy of the Hours we give “voice to the prayer of the Church in praise and supplication.”

In addition to Eucharist, each member of the community gives herself time each day to do lectio divina or sacred reading. Lectio is a Benedictine form of reading Scripture in a meditative and prayerful way. Lectio steeps us in love and understanding of the Word of God and helps us to shape our lives according to the Gospel